Choosing a Calorie Card

We will begin with the right amount of windows for your body. Remember it's important to get a wide variety of food from each of the food groups. And not exclude any food group so your body gets balanced nutrition. Each weight range will need a different amount of calories to maintain health, and lose weight.

Your Current WeightCalorie Card (Women)Calorie Card (Men)
Under 150 pounds1200 Card1400 Card
150-199 pounds1400 Card1600 Card
200-249 pounds1600 Card1800 Card
250-299 pounds2000 Card2000 Card
Above 300 poundsFor every 50 pounds above 300 pounds add 1 Fruit and 1 Protein to the 2000 Calorie CardFor every 50 pounds above 300 pounds add 1 Fruit and 1 Protein to the 2000 Calorie Card