Richard Simmons clubhouse membership is currently being offered for free! So please join up! It's a awesome support and great program.

This part of the site is to help you educate yourself on the Richard Simmons FoodMover plan. I hope to help you learn how to use the food mover in your own life, and how to calculate food mover windows yourself.

This is truly a life style to live and not a diet! It's a way of eating healthy, and being healthy. Something that can be done for a life time and not grudgingly feeling deprived until you get the weight off. I hope you will find this helpful and insightful.

Also just for additional information. The FoodMover Windows are based on the American Diabetic Association Exchanges. So all the recipes on this site with Diabetic Exchanges can be used with the FoodMover, just count the diabetic exchanges as you would the FoodMover windows. The same would be true with any prepackaged food or other recipes that include diabetic exchanges.

Click on each link above for the information you seek.

 Join the Clubhouse!

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